Laser Vision Measurement 品管量測設備
- ◆使用Window’s視窗介面,中/英文化書面,操作簡單。
- ◆手動量測錫膏厚度
- ◆手動測量長、寬及兩錫膏間之距離(間距)
- ◆測量值可記錄存檔及列印
- ◆提供厚度分布統計圖表及X_Bar_R管製表
- ◆自動計算製程能力指標CP、CPK、CPM
- ◆可依不同生產線分別作記錄
- ◆可依基板厚度調整焦距
- ◆可做定時呼叫取樣
- ◆All operations are easy and using Windows interface in Chinese/English version.
- ◆Survey thickness of tin solder by auto matica lly or manually.
- ◆Survey the length and width manually,and the gap of tin solder.
- ◆Calculate the measure of area, the measure of cross-section and the measure of volumn automatically.
- ◆All surveyed values can be recorded to a file and be printed to a report.
- ◆Provide the diagrams of thickness distribution and control diagrams of X_BAR_R.
- ◆Calculate man facture ability degree automatically(CP, CPK, CPM)
- ◆It can have proprietary record according to every different production ling.
- ◆It can adjust focus point in different thickness of PC boards.
- ◆It can be called to sample periodically.
- ◆各式厚度量測數值取得統計分析
- ◆錫膏印刷機製程品管檢查
- ◆錫膏印刷厚度良性測量
- ◆錫膏印刷成型,尺寸量測檢查
- ◆提供其他物品測厚,測長,量測檢查
- ◆Get the results of statistics and analysis about all surveyed values in every thickness degree.
- ◆Inspect the quality of solder printing process.
- ◆Survey the thickness benignancy of tin solder
- ◆Measure the dimension of tin solder
- ◆Provide thickness and dimension measurement function for other objects
- ◆量測印刷錫膏厚度、長度、高度、間距。
- ◆提供厚度分布數值參考。
- ◆提供各種統計分析圖表
- X管製圖、 R管製圖、厚度列表
X平均值管製圖 單點列表
- ◆Surveying the thickness of printing tin solder, length ,height and interval.
- ◆Provide the references of thickness distribution values.
- ◆Provide the analysis of different measure of cross-section.
- ◆Calculate the measure of area and volumn automatically in object which to be surveyed.
- ◆Provide all diagrams of statistics and analysis.
Provide X control Diagram, R Control Diagram
and Thickness List Diagram. Provide X Average
Control Diagram, Single Point List Diagram.